 Tsotsi  district six  apartheid  Afrikaans  pass laws  townships. As you read the introduction, answer the following questions: 1) How might Fugard’s upbringing have shaped his perception of apartheid? 2) What makes Tsotsi a particularly menacing brand of gangster? Questions have also made Tsotsi feel fearful because he cannot answer them. It suggests that Boston is taken by surprise. He has no time to plan his fall or to sidestep the kick.

  1. Tsotsi Book Questions And Answers
  2. Tsotsi Questions And Answers

ANSWER ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. QUESTION 6 Things fall apart Essay question 25 marks Page 11 OR QUESTION 7 Things fall apart Contextual question 25 marks Page 12 OR QUESTION 8 Tsotsi Essay question 25 marks Page 14 OR QUESTION 9 Tsotsi Contextual question 25 marks Page 15.

Roll again... Roll again...

- Eleven! - Eleven?


- What? - 4 and 5 is 9 not 11.

It's good! It's good. 4 and 5 is 9 not eleven!

Throw again, brother.

- That's enough. - Hey Tsotsi, what we doing tonight?

Yea, what we doing?

The little gangster!

Did you learn to drive?

I was sick. So what?

- Come sit teacher boy. - F*ck

off i'm not your teacher boy.

You know you went too far tonight.

What's your name Tsotsi?

Your real name. Thug, Tsotsi. it's not a name.

- Boston, don't ask him questions. - Why not?


I'm six months with you. I want to know his name.

Everyone has a name. A real one. From his mother.

- Hey, Soekie, we're dry here.

- I'll come when I'm ready, ok?

Decency Tsotsi? Do you know that word? Decency.

I had a bit of it, thats why i got sick.

And that fat man with the tie, he had a lot. And now?

He's dead.

Jesus, Butcher go get it yourself.

I'm trying to talk seriously here.

Come sit sonny.

Just remember... I don't want any trouble in here.

What's wrong? Are you sick again?


Tonight Tsotsi...

When we killed the fat man...

I felt like this inside me...


Do you ever feel like that?

For a woman Tsotsi? Maybe you had a woman.

For a woman Tsotsi? Maybe you had a woman.

And when she left you... It hurt...

And you bled...

Your father... Your father Tsotsi... Where's your father?

Where's your father and your mother...

Jesus, Tsotsi. A dog. What about a dog?

Tell that bastardnever to come here again.

John! John! Open the gate!

The remote isn't working. Open the gate!


Yes, that's the registration...

Just tell them the car is empty. No baby.

Jesus, you stink!

Quiet, baby!


- Yes what? - It's us.

- Who? - Aap and Butcher.

- We need to talk. - About what?

About Boston.

- Where is he? - At Soekie's.

- He won't work with us anymore.

- Says who? You or him?

What's that? That smell.

- It's me. - What's wrong?

I'm sick.

- You need a doctor. - I'm fine.

Hey sister. Feed him. Come feed him here.

If you got no milk, let him suck me.

- What are we doingtonight Tsotsi?

- Let's meet later at Park Station.

Later's good. Meet you later then.

Hey man! Did you smell? Stinks like shit!

Were there any fingerprints?

This bastard is a nodody.

He went at the township you said.

- Sir, we can't even trackstolen cars...

- Don't tell me what you can't do!

I want you to find my child.

When my wife wakes up, I want my

child right next to her. Am I clear?

Where is Tsotsi?

- F*ck him. - Yea, f*ck him.

Hey, watchwhere the f*ck you're going.


Now what? You want me to say sorry?

Watch where you put your feet. Move!

Hey what's up Bheki!

- Who won? - Irish fancy, brother. 7 to 2.

- Cripple donkey! - Did you win anything?


- Win? F*ck all! - Put a 1 00 at red bullet tommorow.

Red bullet got no legs. Silver lightning!

Don't take too much!

Where is this guy?

Where did you get your driver's licence?

Did your motherteach you to drive?

What do you want, boy?

Do you want my money?

- Stand up. - What?

- Get up and walk. - Who are you, Jesus Christ?

- I'm a cripple. - You lie. Stand up.

Go to hell.

Fine. Here's all the money I have.

What you want from me? Take

the money and leave me alone.

F*ck man! F*ck you!

You fucking bastard!

Are you happy now?

You made an old man piss in his pants.

Why are you following me? Why?

I saw a dog once...

Two kicks... And it's back was broken.

It crawled... Just like you...

What kind of a man kicks a dog?

What happened to your legs?

I was working at the mines. Digging gold.

A beam fell on me. It broke me.

Why do you go on... when you live like a dog?

Roll again... Roll again...

- Eleven! - Eleven?


- What? - 4 and 5 is 9 not 11.

It's good! It's good. 4 and 5 is 9 not eleven!

Throw again, brother.

- That's enough. - Hey Tsotsi, what we doing tonight?

Yea, what we doing?

The little gangster!

Did you learn to drive?

I was sick. So what?

- Come sit teacher boy. - F*ck

off i'm not your teacher boy.

You know you went too far tonight.

What's your name Tsotsi?

Your real name. Thug, Tsotsi. it's not a name.

- Boston, don't ask him questions. - Why not?

Grade 11 tsotsi questions and answers

I'm six months with you. I want to know his name.

Everyone has a name. A real one. From his mother.

- Hey, Soekie, we're dry here.

- I'll come when I'm ready, ok?

Decency Tsotsi? Do you know that word? Decency.

I had a bit of it, thats why i got sick.

And that fat man with the tie, he had a lot. And now?

He's dead.

Jesus, Butcher go get it yourself.

I'm trying to talk seriously here.

Come sit sonny.

Just remember... I don't want any trouble in here.

What's wrong? Are you sick again?


Tonight Tsotsi...

When we killed the fat man...

I felt like this inside me...

Do you ever feel like that?

For a woman Tsotsi? Maybe you had a woman.

For a woman Tsotsi? Maybe you had a woman.

And when she left you... It hurt...

And you bled...

Your father... Your father Tsotsi... Where's your father?

Where's your father and your mother...

Jesus, Tsotsi. A dog. What about a dog?

Tell that bastardnever to come here again.

John! John! Open the gate!

The remote isn't working. Open the gate!


Yes, that's the registration...

Just tell them the car is empty. No baby.

Jesus, you stink!

Quiet, baby!


- Yes what? - It's us.

- Who? - Aap and Butcher.

- We need to talk. - About what?

About Boston.

- Where is he? - At Soekie's.

- He won't work with us anymore.

- Says who? You or him?

What's that? That smell.

- It's me. - What's wrong?

I'm sick.

- You need a doctor. - I'm fine.

Hey sister. Feed him. Come feed him here.

If you got no milk, let him suck me.

- What are we doingtonight Tsotsi?

- Let's meet later at Park Station.

Later's good. Meet you later then.

Hey man! Did you smell? Stinks like shit!

Were there any fingerprints?

This bastard is a nodody.

He went at the township you said.

- Sir, we can't even trackstolen cars...

- Don't tell me what you can't do!

I want you to find my child.

When my wife wakes up, I want my

child right next to her. Am I clear?

Where is Tsotsi?

- F*ck him. - Yea, f*ck him.

Hey, watchwhere the f*ck you're going.


Now what? You want me to say sorry?

Watch where you put your feet. Move!

Hey what's up Bheki!

- Who won? - Irish fancy, brother. 7 to 2.

- Cripple donkey! - Did you win anything?

- Win? F*ck all! - Put a 1 00 at red bullet tommorow.

Red bullet got no legs. Silver lightning!

Don't take too much!

Where is this guy?

Where did you get your driver's licence?

Did your motherteach you to drive?

What do you want, boy?

Do you want my money?

- Stand up. - What?

- Get up and walk. - Who are you, Jesus Christ?

- I'm a cripple. - You lie. Stand up.

Go to hell.

Fine. Here's all the money I have.

What you want from me? Take

Tsotsi Book Questions And Answers

the money and leave me alone.

F*ck man! F*ck you!

You fucking bastard!

Are you happy now?

You made an old man piss in his pants.

Why are you following me? Why?

I saw a dog once...

Two kicks... And it's back was broken.

It crawled... Just like you...

What kind of a man kicks a dog?

Tsotsi Questions And Answers

What happened to your legs?

I was working at the mines. Digging gold.

A beam fell on me. It broke me.

Why do you go on... when you live like a dog?