“I should never be made to feel that being bilingual was a deficit in the first place.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez falsely claimed to a public education group on Saturday that she received a score in the “99th percentile” on a “high-stakes” standardized test, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

  • The conversation was a broad overview of Ocasio-Cortez’s positions on capitalism, education, and foreign policy. One widely circulated highlight was Ocasio-Cortez’s reference to the.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for NY-14. Elevate Public Education. Our schools should never be on the chopping block, even when budgets are tight. Now is the time to strengthen our education system and make it more affordable to all, so that students are prepared for jobs in a post-COVID economy.

While speaking at an “Education Town Hall” in New York City, Ocasio-Cortez, whose first language is Spanish, told the assembled crowd that during her childhood, teachers thought she needed “remedial education” because she “spoke two languages instead of one.”

A list of 185 political views and policies made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2021. Education Representative Ocasio-Cortez believes that quality education should be accessible to all people, regardless of socioeconomic status.

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“This issue is structural and it is systemic which means we need a solution just like with the Green New Deal, we need a solution on the scale of the problem,” she said. “I should never be made to feel that being bilingual was a deficit in the first place.”

The progressive-minded event was organized by Jackson Heights People for Public Schools and centered around discussing the racial and gender biases within standardized testing.

However, after taking a “high-stakes” test, in which she claimed to have scored in the “99th percentile” across the board, teachers realized she did not need the additional assistance.

There’s just one problem with her statement: “High-stakes” tests ranked by percentiles do not exist.

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According to a blog post written by New York University professor and former U.S. assistant secretary of education Diane Ravitch, who was also in attendance at the event, high-stakes tests “used for accountability purposes” don’t rank by percentile and instead “classify students as 1, 2, 3, or 4.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s teacher, wrote Ravitch, “must have given her a no-stakes individual test that produces a percentile ranking for diagnostic purposes.”

“Well, she can’t know everything about everything. None of us do,” Ravitch added.

Ocasio-Cortez has a history of misstating the facts to support her left-wing agenda, and of rejecting critical commentary and press coverage as unfair or biased.

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Cover image:

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat.: Screen grab

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is known as an American Democratic Socialist. She is most famous for beating a 10-term New York Democrat incumbent in a congressional primary and becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

Ocasio cortez education level

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Education Of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Background (Childhood And Education)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was born on October 13, 1989 in The Bronx, New York. She was raised in a working-class Puerto Rican family. Ocasio-Cortez graduated from Boston University, studying financial matters and worldwide relations. She worked for SenatorTed Kennedy's office where she concentrated on immigration issues while in school.

After graduation, she returned home and turned into a community coordinator. With the financial recession grabbing hold, alongside the monetary issues her family faced after her father's passing in 2008 from cancer, Ocasio-Cortez took numerous low-wage eatery employments to help keep them above water.


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Parents Wealth

In spite of Crowley's 10-to-1 advantage over Ocasio-Cortez, she fought a smart and organized grassroots battle, alongside an incredible viral video advertisement that started with her expressing her will to push women to high positions of political office. Ocasio-Cortez was the main adversary in the Democratic party to challenge Crowley's seat in 14 years. Ocasio-Cortez proceeded to dispatch her Republican rival, Anthony Pappas, in November to turn into the most youthful female elected to Congress. She was confirmed by House SpeakerNancy Pelosi on January 3, 2019.

As a functioning member of the Democratic Socialists of America who endorsed the Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders in 2016, Ocasio-Cortez kept running on a progressive platform which called for canceling ICE, criminal justice, universal healthcare, and universal college.

She faced the ire from many enemies over her path but Ocasio-Cortez hasn't shied away from standing up on issues critical to her. That included her strong solid emotions after Alabama passed a state law in May 2019 that basically banned abortion.


Riley Roberts is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's boyfriend. The two have been as one since college. In spite of the fact that they stay under the radar, Roberts has tried to be a supporting boyfriend even when she moved to D.C for her congressional life. On Friday, February 15, 2019, Roberts' association with the Congress member was pushed into the spotlight over theory in regards to his new congressional email account. In a tweet, Ocasio-Cortez said that it was just so that he could access her calendar and there was no involvement from in Congress. She was angry at media outlets who tried to paint a story that wasn't true.

Ocasio Cortez Education Degree

Social Media (Instagram, Twitter)

Ocasio Cortez Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is active in social media platforms, Instagram and Twitter. She has 4 million followers on Instagram and 5.55 million followers on Twitter as of October 2019.

Net Worth

According to www.celebritynetworth.com, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's net worth is estimated to be around 100,000 dollars.

A Ocasio-cortez Education