
  1. 6 Foot 6 Inches Symbol
  2. 6 Foot Symbol
  3. 6 Root Symbol

Square root of some number 'A' is a number 'X' such that 'X' multiplied by itself would be 'A'. Every positive number 'A' has two square roots: positive and negative ±√a. Although the principal square root of a positive number is only one of its two square roots, the designation 'the square root' is often used to refer to the principal square root. Square Root (Symbol/sign/mark) Preview and HTML-code. With this tool, you can adjust the size, color, italic, and bold of Square Root(symbol). This tool is very convenient to help you preview the symbol, including viewing the details of the symbol display and the effect displayed on the web page. To expand this expression (that is, to multiply it out and then simplify it), I first need to take the square root of two through the parentheses: As you can see, the simplification involved turning a product of radicals into one radical containing the value of the product (being 2 × 3 = 6 ).

Just as with 'regular' numbers, square roots can be added together. But you might not be able to simplify the addition all the way down to one number. Just as 'you can't add apples and oranges', so also you cannot combine 'unlike' radical terms. In order to be able to combine radical terms together, those terms have to have the same radical part.

  • Simplify:

6 Root Symbol

Since the radical is the same in each term (being the square root of three), then these are 'like' terms. This means that I can combine the terms.


I have two copies of the radical, added to another three copies. This gives mea total of five copies:

That middle step, with the parentheses, shows the reasoning that justifies the final answer. You probably won't ever need to 'show' this step, but it's what should be going through your mind.

  • Simplify:

The radical part is the same in each term, so I can do this addition. To help me keep track that the first term means 'one copy of the square root of three', I'll insert the 'understood' '1':


Don't assume that expressions with unlike radicals cannot be simplified. It is possible that, after simplifying the radicals, the expression can indeed be simplified.

  • Simplify:

To simplify a radical addition, I must first see if I can simplify each radical term. In this particular case, the square roots simplify 'completely' (that is, down to whole numbers):

  • Simplify:

I have three copies of the radical, plus another two copies, giving me— Wait a minute! I can simplify those radicals right down to whole numbers:

Don't worry if you don't see a simplification right away. If I hadn't noticed until the end that the radical simplified, my steps would have been different, but my final answer would have been the same:

  • Simplify:


I can only combine the 'like' radicals. The first and last terms contain the square root of three, so they can be combined; the middle term contains the square root of five, so it cannot be combined with the others. So, in this case, I'll end up with two terms in my answer.

I'll start by rearranging the terms, to put the 'like' terms together, and by inserting the 'understood' 1 into the second square-root-of-three term:

There is not, to my knowledge, any preferred ordering of terms in this sort of expression, so the expression should also be an acceptable answer.

  • Simplify:

As given to me, these are 'unlike' terms, and I can't combine them. But the 8 in the first term's radical factors as 2 × 2 × 2. This means that I can pull a 2 out of the radical. At that point, I will have 'like' terms that I can combine.

  • Simplify:

I can simplify most of the radicals, and this will allow for at least a little simplification:

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  • Simplify:

These two terms have 'unlike' radical parts, and I can't take anything out of either radical. Then I can't simplify the expression any further and my answer has to be:

  • Expand:

To expand this expression (that is, to multiply it out and then simplify it), I first need to take the square root of two through the parentheses:

As you can see, the simplification involved turning a product of radicals into one radical containing the value of the product (being 2 × 3 = 6). You should expect to need to manipulate radical products in both 'directions'.

  • Expand:

As in the previous example, I need to multiply through the parentheses.

  • Expand:

It will probably be simpler to do this multiplication 'vertically'.

Simplifying gives me:


By doing the multiplication vertically, I could better keep track of my steps. You should use whatever multiplication method works best for you. But know that vertical multiplication isn't a temporary trick for beginning students; I still use this technique, because I've found that I'm consistently faster and more accurate when I do.

You can use the Mathway widget below to practice finding adding radicals. Try the entered exercise, or type in your own exercise. Then click the button to compare your answer to Mathway's.

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(Click 'Tap to view steps' to be taken directly to the Mathway site for a paid upgrade.)

URL: https://www.purplemath.com/modules/radicals3.htm

6 Foot 6 Inches Symbol

Root SymbolRoot NameDecimalHex
Square Root√√
Cube Root∛∛
Fourth Root∜∜

Copy and paste the Root symbol or use the unicode decimal, hex number or html entity in social websites, in your blog or in a document.

6 Foot Symbol

Root Symbol Preview Variations

6 Root Symbol

Root SymbolColorItalic Symbol
Square Root red
Square Root orange
Square Root pink
Square Root green
Square Root royal blue
Square Root purple
Cube Root red
Cube Root orange
Cube Root pink
Cube Root green
Cube Root royal blue
Cube Root purple